
A Catch Up With Jo Wood

I haven’t said much on here over the summer but having just had our 29th anniversary – yes it really is that long – and seeing all the posts about the economic situation, I thought I’d share a few things I have learnt about staying positive when everyone around you is full of doom and gloom, with a particular slant on Media Recruitment.

Firstly, it is never as bad as you think it might be!!! And whatever it is will pass! In our time the covid pandemic was probably the longest challenging period – whatever happens now probably won’t be as difficult to navigate as that!

Challenging times enable you to focus on different things, sometimes things you might not have had time for previously – I love new business and building relationships – might sound mad but it’s a great time to build for the future.

If you are made redundant or are looking for a new position for any reason – there are always jobs. You just need to be better briefed and better prepared than anyone else. This is what we do – talk to any of our team at The Media Exchange, they won’t just send you jobs, they will help you land one and give you access to the widest array of openings. Stay Positive – we can and will help!

If you are running a business, staying positive whatever happens, is the most important thing for your team – do what you do best, focus on what is important – remember it will get better and in my experience the media industry is always the first to recover!

Finally, we still have loads of roles, great companies, fab positions, massive career opportunities – don’t listen to the doom mongers – if you would like a new role , do get in touch with us asap and in the meantime visit our web site at to get a view of what we might have for you – all those roles are live now!!